"Bring mich wieder weg von hier .. ich will jetzt lieber wieder weiter .. "
Montag, 5. Dezember 2011
Taktiler Touchscreen simuliert Oberflächen
Shaft ist Kult
Elefant Coach - Die Wandlung (Elefant Coach in Pengaheila)
Donnerstag, 17. November 2011
Dienstag, 16. August 2011
Search 4 anouk2m
People started talking about this one special group of bloggers, who have hit the net some time ago, spreading their thoughts around a movement, they call 'One Love' and question, what's their very cesntral issue, they are aming on.
The one, who seems to be the probably most active out of those, names itself anouk2m. Some identify this blogger as female, some as male, some say it's of no gender and discuss if it's queer, extra-terrestrian or whatsoever. anouk is an idigenous name, which is genderless. No one knows, but lots do care about, so maybe, it's worth to think a bit and follow, tracing their tracks, they do leave onto the web by interest.
anouk appreciates the big amount in response, he or her is facing and leaves it open, to get interpreted accidentially. Writing is a dangerous thing, even more, than painting pictures, for it is quite exact and precise. are these the words of an artist or is it's work close to terrorism? In fact, it should be judged quite away from that, 'cause there are no calls for arms or violence, but for the active engagement to change the failures systems, that are kept running by the present powerful and leaders.
I've got to say, that i do not feel of having gained the full focus for the targets anouk's work is aiming on, but i do have to give in, that i got more than just interested in these guys thoughts and actions and tend to keep on following their tracks in the future, 'cause life is, what you make it to be..
Sonntag, 1. Mai 2011
- kontact@konceptclub.com
KONCEPT Club knows your leisure time is precious because ours is too.
We want to spare us – and subsequently you – the frustration of wasting yet another night with a replaceable and faceless combination of music, people and atmosphere that strangely enough resembles that birthday party of your 7-year-old niece.
If you neither give a fuck about top 10 charts nor parties labeled with “VIP”, “hottest club in town” or other glamour bushwa, we’d be delighted to party with you. You won’t be disappointed. If so, chances are that you got no taste whatsoever.
KONCEPT conducts experimental research on the information society in both its analog and electronic dimensions.
A conglomerate of borderline personality engineers, artists and free spirits is operating this non-profit organization out of Vienna, Austria.
K also serves as a communication platform and incubator of creativity within the scene of electronic music and socially-driven IT. We are taking strong stands on freedom of information and communication, the right to privacy, free speech and civil disobedience.
Since our foundation in early 2009, our findings have become manifest in a broad spectrum of projects ranging from ground breaking social events [KONCEPT Club, aeroSoul] to Internet activism and the free provision of anonymizing technology to the public.
We work in the dark - we do what we can - we give what we have. Our doubt is our passion, and our passion is our task.
The rest is the madness of art.